Realizing that my last 3 months in Lisbon already started, I asked myself, when it is going to be the time to do all these things I always thought I would have time to do them later when I already considered an allday here?
Time is running out, and there are plenty of things I still wanna do. So.... even though even my money is running out, I took the Austrians invitation to go to Porto to pick up Michis ghostfriend Lolo at the airport and spend the weekend in Portugals third-large city and the Lisbons big enemy!!!! Unfortunately finally 8 people joined Lolos trip, to which she never arrived, because she decided to stay in London (The gods might know why??????)
Porto turned out to be a great experience for me. It made me think a lot. About things I think of way too much.... about things I never thought of.... about things I should have thought of already. Porto sweetend our stay with some special surprices and adventures. (I don´t wanna tell too much of it. I have a phone... for those who want to know....) Let me start to present the fabulous people, that built the group staying in Porto: 5 germans, 1 suice-austrian, 1 polnish-austrian and 1 spanish guy. We already spent, depending on the person, more or less time together in Lissbon and I have to confess: Gosto muito de vocês... simplesmente.

Compaired to Lisbon, Porto is wheater more ugly or prettier.... its just special and also very beautyful. I experienced it to be much calmer, much more natural and pure, and thousand times more melancholic than Portugals capital, even though it is almost about the same size (at least the centre). "Europes cultural Capital 2001" is definately worth a visit, but for sure its not as crazy, alternative, chic, stylish and modern as Lisbon starts to be. But... for sure.... the food is really good and the restaurantes much cheaper. Our Portodays were filled with a traditional Portwine-tasting, a lot of walking around, sunset on the riverside eating olives and having a beer, some going-out in the night and a lot of coffeestops at several cafés. Let me just say: Lolo.... you definitaly missed a great trip!

Next days I´m triing to talk some more about stories happening to us in Porto....