Alessandra [Recife/Brasil]
This time I´m going to be mean! And I´m very aware of that fact, but I can´t help but show you some impressions of my day: Its the 10.th of March and its already around 25 degrees outside... which means, in other words, time for the beach! As we all don´t have anything to do anymore and its weekend, why not enjoy some volleyballmatches in the sun, getting brown, icecream, surfers, ... and some really rough ones even enjoyed the water! Even if you can´t see it on the pictures, because I took them during sunset, we were just lying around in bikinis the whole day and got sunburned!!!!! Sunburned!!!! In March!!!!! I love Lisbon! I wanna stay here!!!! Foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!

This is Laura, our sweetheart from Hamburg, loves to surf, loves to laugh and is formally know as the biggest celebrity-expert existing in this world of glamour.... ;-)
Christian, in the middle, and two of his brasilian friends (Thiago [from Recife] and Neto [from Rio]) that are very wonderful and funny people. Gente boa ;-)

Neto again
Jacob [Austin/Texas], Jordi [Barcelona/Spain], and Susann... [don´t have to introduce her, I think?] and a lazy cigarette in the sun. Que vida boa, ne? ;-)

This day was really one of the most beautiful ones I had here in Lisbon. Thanks to everybody, that helped to make my stay here possible. Thanks to my parens, my grandparents... and... they shouldn´t be forgotten: Thank you Mr. Erasmus!!!! Thank you Mr. Sokrates!
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