Saturday, December 23, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
things the world doesn´t need (1)

This is maybe the greatest girls-bathroom I´ve ever seen in my life. What a great idea to solve the problem of women always going to the toilet together. It could also be used by a couple or siamese-twins. Jacobs commentary was also very phantastic: "Whats that? Are you supposed to hold hands or what?" Yes Jacob, you are! Girls love that!
Thanks Madrid, for that wonderful bathroom! You are very progressiv in bath-technologies!
Monday, December 11, 2006
man muss sich nur zu helfen wissen (2)
Sie so: "was ist die Vergangenheitsform von ser (=sein), Tobi?
Er so: "Weiß ich nicht, aber ich mach das immer so: ich sag das Wort im Präsens und sag danach
die Zeit in ders stehen soll. Z.Bsp: "vou passado" (also: Ich gehe vergangenheit) oder "vou
futuro" (= ich gehe Zukunft). Is viel einfacher als tausend Zeiten zu lernen und jeder
versteht dich."
its so frustrating... :-(
he: "Hey, your girlfriend is very pretty."
Jac: "Yes she is, but shes not my girlfriend. I´m gay."
he: "Yeah, I´m gay too... wanna have something to drink?"
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Stoß. An die Gedanken.
Julgam que por não se terem encontrado antes, nada entre eles nunca ainda se passara. E que diriam a s ruas, as escadas, os corredoresonde se podem há muito ter cruzado?
Gostaria de lhes lembrar se não se lembram -talvez nas portas giratórias, um dia, face a face?algum "desculpe" num grande aperto de gente? uma voz de que " é engano" ao telefone?- mas sei o que respondem. Não, não se lembram.
Muito os admiraria saber que desde há muito se divertia com eles o acaso. Ainda não completamente preparado para se transformar em destino para eles, aproximou-os e afastou-os, barrou-lhes o caminho e, abafando as gargalhadas, lá seguiu saltando ao lado deles.
Houve marcas, sinais, que importa se ilegíveis. Haverá talvez três anosou terça-feira passada, certa folhinha esvoaçantede um braço a outro braço.
Algo que se perdeu e se encontrou? Quem sabe se já uma bolanos silvados da infância? Punhos de porta e campainhas onde a seu tempo o toque de uma mão tocou o outro toque.
As malas lado a lado no depósito. Talvez acaso até um mesmo sonho que logo o acordar desvaneceu.
Beide sind überzeugt, sie habe ein plötzliches Gefühl vereint. Diese Gewißheit ist schön, doch die Ungewißheit ist schöner.
Sie meinen, weil sie sich früher nicht kannten, sei zwischen ihnen nie etwas geschehn. Was sagen die Straßen dazu, die Treppen, Korridore, wo sie aneinander seit langem hätten vorbeigehen können?
Ich wollte sie fragen, ob sie sich erinnern -irgendwann in der Drehtür vielleichtAug`in Aug`? Ein "Pardon" im Gedränge? Die Stimme im Hörer "falsch verbunden?"- Ich kenne die Antwort. Nein, sie erinnern sich nicht.
Es würde sie wundern zu hören, der Zufall habe seit langem mit ihnen gespielt. Noch nicht ganz Schicksal, brachte er sie mal zusammen, mal auseinander, versperrte den Weg, sprang zur Seite, kichernd.
Es gab Zeichen, Signale, zwar unleserlich, na und? Flog vor drei Jahren vielleicht oder am vergangenen Dienstag ein gewisses Blatt von Schulter zu Schulter?Es gab Verlorenes und Aufgehobenes.Vielleicht war`s schon ein Ball im Gebüsch der Kindheit?
Es gab Klinken und Klingeln, auf die sich seit je Berührung auf Berührung legte. Koffer in der Aufbewahrung nebeneinander.Vielleicht gab`s den gleichen Traum in ein und derselben Nacht,sofort nach dem Erwachen gelöscht.
Both of them are certain, that a sudden feeling brought them together
This certainty is nice, but the uncertainty is even more beautyful. They are convinced, that, just because they didn´t know each other before, nothing ever happend between them. What does the streets say about that, the stairs and corridores, were they already pass each other for a long time?
I just wanted to ask, if they remember.
One day in the revolving door maybe… eye to eye? An `pardon` in the crowd? The voice on the phone “you dialed the wrong number”? – I know the answer. No, they don´t remember.
They would be surprised to hear that an hazard has been playing with them for a long time. Not yet destiny ... he brought them together, divided them again, put something in their way, jumped to the side.. laughing.
There where signs and signals, maybe not easy to read, but so what? Was there a leaf flying from one shoulder to the other… 3 years ago or maybe last friday? There were lost things and picked up things. Maybe already a ball in the times of childhood?
There were handles and bells on which one touch lies down on another since ever. Suitcases at the airport, next to each other. Maybe there was the same dream in one same night, erased directly after waking up.
"Porque cada início
é só continuação,
e o livro das ocorrências
está sempre aberto meio."
"Denn jeder Anfang
ist nur eine Fortsetzung,
und das Buch der Ereignisse
ist immer aufgeschlagen
"Because every beginning
is just continuation,
and the book of happenings
is always open the middle."
(Wislawa Szymborska / Poland)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Fode-se saudade, fode-se saudade

After recognizing that my page starts to count multicultural visitors, I decided to post in english sometimes. Thats globalisation! ;-)
My todays-news will be about Lisbons typical type of music: FADO... Fado is mostly sung in Bairro Altos little Bars, by almost everybody... the woman that sells fish, the cook of the restaurant next door, the security gard from any discoteque, the japonese teacher from university... Fado is about passion... about longing... about love and lost.
This time we went to Tasca do Chico´s Fadonight to get the feeling of portuguese "saudade". There we made friends with 2 very funny and likeable people from Sao Paulo... Fabiola and Alexandre, and enjoyed plenty of "garrafas de vinho" ;-) with them. But that shouldn´t be all that night offered to us... Escaping from a major depression, Jörn and me crossed the street to another little live-Rock-music-Bar, where we bumped into some crazy Americans, that unfortunately... well, I guess thats a matter of view... had too much money and didn´t stop inviting us for several rounds of Imperial Beer.
Meanwhile.... never forget portuguese kisses... for we are a big Erasmus-Family! Jörn and me went different ways around 4 a clock in the morning... I could tell you now, that I arrived home around 11, after I had 2 times of breakfast... one in Santos, the other next to colombo... and a trip to Costa de Caparica to do some Gitarmusic and singing on the beach.... but thats another story... thats really another story... Great night! Lets do that again sometime.