Fode-se saudade, fode-se saudade

After recognizing that my page starts to count multicultural visitors, I decided to post in english sometimes. Thats globalisation! ;-)
My todays-news will be about Lisbons typical type of music: FADO... Fado is mostly sung in Bairro Altos little Bars, by almost everybody... the woman that sells fish, the cook of the restaurant next door, the security gard from any discoteque, the japonese teacher from university... Fado is about passion... about longing... about love and lost.
This time we went to Tasca do Chico´s Fadonight to get the feeling of portuguese "saudade". There we made friends with 2 very funny and likeable people from Sao Paulo... Fabiola and Alexandre, and enjoyed plenty of "garrafas de vinho" ;-) with them. But that shouldn´t be all that night offered to us... Escaping from a major depression, Jörn and me crossed the street to another little live-Rock-music-Bar, where we bumped into some crazy Americans, that unfortunately... well, I guess thats a matter of view... had too much money and didn´t stop inviting us for several rounds of Imperial Beer.
Meanwhile.... never forget portuguese kisses... for we are a big Erasmus-Family! Jörn and me went different ways around 4 a clock in the morning... I could tell you now, that I arrived home around 11, after I had 2 times of breakfast... one in Santos, the other next to colombo... and a trip to Costa de Caparica to do some Gitarmusic and singing on the beach.... but thats another story... thats really another story... Great night! Lets do that again sometime.
Können wa machen wenn meine Leberwerte das durchhalten
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